November is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. We invited Dr. Dan Calac, Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Health Council located in North County, San Diego, on the show to discuss health care of American Indian/Alaska Native peoples in the United States and the importance of medical education within this community.
Show Notes
[0:00] Intro
-Introduction of our co-host, guest and the episode
[3:08] A Step in Your Shoes
-Dan Calac discusses growing up in San Diego and the changes within his community
[6:46] Dan shares about his heritage
[9:04] The Calacs explain the history and meaning behind terms for Indian populations
[12:54] Dan gives advice to aspiring physicians
-Dan shares about his mentor Dr. David Lucero
[15:06] Dan discusses the Indian Health Service
-How tribes work together to provide medical care
-The Indian Health Service in California
-Keeping up with technological advances in medicine
[20:03] Dan discusses his travels with CONACH (Committee on Native American Child Health)
-Lack of funding within the Indian Health Service
-How partnerships have helped to fill the gap
[23:00] Discussion on the lack of American Indian/Alaska Native physician in medicine
-In 1969, only 30 American Indian physician were practicing in the US.
-2018 AAMC Report: Reshaping the Journey: American Indians and Alaska Natives in Medicine. -
[26:37] Dan talks about potential ways for mainstream involvement
[29:43] Dan talks about training medical professionals within the Indian Health Service
-The importance of the “aha moment” in health care
-The Indian Health Service provides a global health-like experience for clinicians
[35:20] Alec and Dan discuss training American Indian/Alaska Native physicians and the importance of culturally sensitive care
-Recruitment of American Indian/Alaska Native physicians
-Educators who are making a difference
-Awareness of issues that affect health care of the population
[42:08] The importance of American Indians/Alaska Natives having a seat at the table
-Medical institutions built on tribal land
-American Indians being at the table for their voice to be heard
[46:00] Dan’s final advice
-The resource of time
[48:12] Continuing the conversation
-Twitter and Instagram @TheDEIshift
[49:10] Outro
Co-hosts/Producers: Dr. Brittane Parker, Alec Calac
Executive Producer: Dr. Tammy Lin
Co-Executive Producers: Dr. Pooja Jaeel, Dr. Tiffany Leung
Senior Producers: Dr. DJ Gaines, Dr. Maggie Kozman
Editor: Joanna Jain
Production Assistants: Sanika Walimbe, Sarahy Martinez
Website/Art design: Ann Truong
Music: Chris Dingman
Disclaimer: The DEI Shift podcast and its guest provide general information and entertainment, but not medical advice. Before making any changes to your medical treatment or execution of your treatment plan, please consult with your doctor or personal medical team. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by The DEI Shift. The views expressed by guests are their own, and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by The DEI Shift team are those of each individual, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The DEI Shift team and its guests, employers, sponsors, or organizations we are affiliated with.
Season 2 of The DEI Shift podcast is proudly sponsored by the American Medical Association's Joan F. Giambalvo Fund for the Advancement of Women and the American College of Physicians Southern California Region III Chapter.
The DEI Shift theme music is by Chris Dingman. Learn more at
Contact us: [email protected], @thedeishift,